Monday, June 28

a little update...

I'm not lying dead in the street somewhere! Woo hoo! But I am unfortunately going to be posting much less regularly for at least the next month. I love blogging, and I love reading blogs, but June-July (and most likely even August) will be crazy hectic. Why? Because I am officially moving out next month!

Boyfriend and I have found a great apartment and now we're going to be in "get-ready-to-move" mode until Moving Day actually comes. We're busy furniture shopping, interior design planning (thanks to Angela for her great resources that she emailed me! You're awesome!), and freaking out about all the things we'll need to get. Plates! Flatware! A couch! Hangers! Etc! It's simultaneously really exciting and really exhausting. So while we get all this stuff together, I'll be posting much more sporadically on kelinda.KELINDA until further notice. Just a heads up!


  1. Congrats on the move! I hope you have an Ikea near you - perfect place for cheap home basics and I love their kitchen stuff and lamps.

  2. Congrats, and good luck, Amy!

  3. Have a great time, moving, Amy, I'll miss your outifts in the meantime!

  4. Aww, I'll miss your posts, but am so excited for you!!!
    Scope out Marshall's/TJ Maxx for some basic stuff and don't forget to ask all your friends/family if they have anything they can donate. As you can see, there are so many things you have to buy and you want to spend it on the good stuff (sofa, chairs, cute linens, and sneak in a new top or dress too).

  5. Good luck, will miss your inspiring outfits. I'm moving too, and I know how hectic/exciting it is.

  6. Oh your own place! I will miss you - but I know you will be busy!

  7. totally understandable, but where will i get my daily dose of beautiful colorful outfits!?!


    have fun, I hope you will share some decorating pics when you're ready!!

  8. oooh how exciting! i love decorating new apartments. have fun and can't wait to see the new place!

  9. Best of luck! My boyfriend's and my lease starts July 15th, so I can relate :)

  10. Oh so exciting, I'd love to be back at this stage of my life.

  11. Yay, congrats Amy, and good luck with all the moving stuf! :)

  12. I hope that all goes well with moving! :)

  13. How exciting! I mean the new apartment part. Moving is NOT so much. I hate moving ! The idea of packing everything into boxes, and then unpacking makes me want to cover my ears and run away screaming. Figuratively, of course!!!:)Have fun.

  14. ooooh, congrats, its so exciting moving into a new place! all the best! x

  15. Ok -- I was wondering where you are. Thanks for keeping us updated. Hope all is going well. Moving is trip. ;-)

  16. I hope you come back soon! Wishing you the best and smoothest transition possible.
